Corpus Information
To date, the corpus includes 16 oral texts, delivered between January 31, 2020 and June 23, 2020, by the British Prime Minister (Mr. Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson), the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care (Mr. Matt John David Hancock), the England’s Chief Medical Officer (Mr. Christopher John MacRae Whitty), and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
It provides a total amount of 2 hours, 7 minutes and 43 seconds of transcribed public speech.
Oral texts have been lemmatized, part-of-speech tagged and parsed with the LinguA pipeline, using the standard Penn TreeBank tagset.
All metadata descriptions have been stored in XML format, following the IMDI (ISLE Meta Data Initiative) definitions.

the corpus is currently under construction

Data Collection: Annalisa Raffone
Data Annotation: Gloria Gagliardi